Created by renowned animator and sculptor Ruben Procopio, in collaboration with Grand Jester Studios and Disney. Made from premium resin and hand-painted to perfection, ensuring each piece is unique. Features Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse in a heartwarming pose, perfect for any collector. A special edition piece commemorating Disney's 100th anniversary. This item is brand new and in perfect condition, ready to be a centerpiece in your collection.
Enesco "Disney Traditions" 100th Anniversary Figure. If title has "PreOrder" or "PSL", it will be released around release date. Japan Voltage : 100V Plug: TypeA. Please check your country's voltage before order. Because most of country's voltage is higher than 100V.Please check your country's plug. [Aged Items] Even if the item is carefully packed and arrives safely, it will deteriorate over time, so please handle it with particular care when using it. [Language] Instruction manuals and packages are basically in Japanese. International Buyers - Please Note.
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